Hope and a Future
Updated: Jan 24, 2023
Jeremiah 29:11 is such a commonly used passage for people of God. Just look around and we can see people using it as inspiration in fashion designs, in stationary items, accessories, and the list goes on. It's so common a Christian theme that it's a wonder why people still don't believe in it.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Two years ago, my husband and I were separated from one another. I won't go into detail because, well that ain't none of ya'll business :) just know we were so very close to divorce. I'd even started looking for a home of my own for me and my four girls. I was staying with my mother who passed 6 months later and then with my brother for about 9 months. It was a very hard time in my life. I thought I would never get through it.
Q: What do humans tend to do when nothing is going right in their life?
A: Well we start to pray out of despondency.
I met God in a place where I was desperate to understand Him and what He was doing in my life. One of the first versus that I clung to was Jeremiah 29:11. Because as you scroll through Pinterest you start to see a common theme of women encouraging other women with this verse. So I trusted in this verse. I put all my faith into it. It is, honestly, the catalyst to my dive into the word of God during the separation from my husband. I wanted to know God more and I felt I had no hope or future without him. To me, God was speaking to me through this verse. To me this was His promise (to me :)
One day online I reached a few articles about Jeremiah 29:11 being one of the most misunderstood versus in the Holy Bible. I read them. I was quite upset. My spirit took at hit at what I was reading. Many of the articles and YouTube videos suggested and downright stated that God was not speaking to us when He made this promise, but to the Israelites (God's chosen people). This promise was never meant to us in today's world. That's what these articles are saying. This HOPE and a FUTURE is not our promise to receive.
For someone needing hope and a future, like I desperately needed, what a devastating blow to my faith. I was questioning everything but what I should have questioned. The articles and videos I'd read weren't meant to sound so HOPELESS, they were meant to clarify something that had been misconstrued about the Word of God.
God, indeed, was communicating this promise to Israel, but God also promised through his son Jesus Christ HOPE and a FUTURE for anyone willing to accept Christ as their savior.
Funny, I hadn't made it that far in my Bible reading, but I did know that Christ was my hope. So as I finished the articles and videos and tucked them away in the back of my mind, I let go of that fear that God didn't promise me Hope and a Future, because Jesus was so many things promised from the Heavenly Father. Moreover than the promises of God in the old testament. The New Covenant ensures that Jesus is every promise from God in the days of Jeremiah to his people and more.
I really hold on to that verse. It's such a beautiful sentiment to know that God wants what's best for you. That God has plans for you. That he doesn't want to destroy you that you are a device in his grand scheme. I'm constantly wanting to know those plans, but I trust God so much that as long as He uses me, I'm fine with whatever fruit comes of it.
Heavenly Father,
You are Good. Your word is Good. Your son is Good. Your Holy Spirit is Good. I can't believe that you mean anything for my destruction. I believe the plans you have for me are Good. I have faith that you will use me to show that you are Good. Use me as you see fit God. I am willing.
In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.
I hear chains breaking.